
R & D capability is divided into three parts

Sustainable Innovation
Great achieve🌃ments have been made in technical achieveꦑments

core technology
Leading the industry innovation and development

Patent application
Pay attention to the protection of intellectuaꦉl property rights

Establishing technological innovation system
Improving technological innovation ability

  Far East Cable Co., Ltd., led by the innovation system of “one institute, two stations, three departments, four centers, and five fields”, strives to build its strategic ...
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  Far East has a professional and standard testing and measuring center with an area of about 3,000 square meters. It includes a mechanical testing ro... 雅博体育:View details →
  • Far East Cable has more than 1600 units (sets) of domestic and foreign advanced production equipment and testing equipment. As far east cable industry leading enterprises, invested heavily in research and development of testing equipment at home and abroad to introduce the most advanced, and invested hundreds of millions of yuan in research funding of research projects, the company's research to further enhance the ability of product development, to further accelerate the speed, provide intellectual support and powerful technical support for the Far East rapid, healthy and sustainable development, but also lay the solid foundation for the Far East cable products to seize the international leader in the field, but also to promote the industry's overall level of innovation.
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